ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 13. septembris

Fotostāsts. Ēliena Alekša piedzīvojumi /Photostory. Romance of Mr. Alien. 2012.

Kāda vēl nejēdzīga romantika? 
What? Romance! That's funny. I don't have time to fuck!

Heisā! Mani sauc Ēliens Aleksis! Esmu kārs uz dēkām! 
Hallo! Call me Alien Alex ! I am ready for real adventures !

Šis ir mans kosmosa kuģis . Diemžēl tas saplīsa. 
This is my spaceship. Sadly it is broken.

Kādā čuhņā gan esmu nokļuvis?
Where I am ? What a hole?

O, tie taču Ainaži! Lieliski!
Oh! I am in Ainaži ! What a mercy !Great opportunity to have no end of a good time!

Ak, te sasodīti daudz aizliegtu lietu?  Bet es vienmēr daru to ko vēlos! 
 Shit! There is many prohibitions and restrictions! But I always do what I want!

Tik daudz ceļu! Un visi - vilinoši!
So many ways! Avenues to adventures!

...un arī bedres! Ko nu?
.... avenues to Pit, too.... What I must to do?

O, jā!  Tas der!
Oh, it is fine!

Un kas tas?
And what  this?

Kosmosa kuģis! Urrā! Te ir vēl kāds!
This is another spaceship! I am not alone!

Un kas tas? 
And what that?

Ak, nē! Lidojāšais šķīvītis! Atlidojis man pakaļ. Lūdzu vēl ne !
Oh, no! It is flying saucer ! They want take me back. But  I want to stay and play.

Te ir daudz darba īstam vīrietim!
 There are great volume of work for real man.

Un patīkami,ka darbs iet no rokas...
And the work is progressing....

...kamēr esmu galīgi saguris. 
 ... until I am dog-tired.

Ņah! Pēc laba darba, ir nepieciešams krietni paēst ! 
 Oh, after good work, good meal is necessary condition for me!

... un melnu kafiju ar smalkmaizīti ,protams, lūdzu!
.. and black coffee with pastry, of course, please.

...un atpūtu uz jahtas.
...and relax on yacht is OK.

Eh, kā gan man vēl trūkst? Ir tik labi, bet es vai beidzos nost!
Oh, everything is great but I am boring so.

 Princese Violeta! Šķiet , viņas kosmosa kuģi es atradu liedagā.
Oh! Princess Violet! Seems I saw her  spaceship  on the beach.

Viņa ir tik skaista!
She is so beautiful!

Esmu iemīlējies!
I am in love with her!

Kā man viņai iepatikties? 
 What to do to make her love me?

Varbūt tā?
Maybe that?

...vai varbūt šādi?
... or probably  in  this way?

O, jā! Viņa ir klāt!
 Oh, yes! It is works!

Mums ir jautri kopā.
We are happy together.

....un mēs ļoti mīlam viens otru. 
... and we have sweet love.

Aizvien esam tepat. Gaidam tevi Ainažos. 
 We are still here and waiting for you in Ainaži.

Nāc drīz!
Come soon!

Project done in cooperatoin with artist Evita Skrebinska ( author of Princess Violeta)
Ainaži. 2012.