Labdien! Esat laipni lūgti Mākslas blogā
Gandrīz visu savu dzīvi esmu turējusi rokās kādu zīmējamo, krāsojamo, darināmo, rakstāmo, arī mazliet muzicējusi, dejojusi, filmējusi, organizējusi un cepusi tortes. Protams, ne jau visu vienlaicīgi. Katrai nodarbei ir bijis savs laiks. Varbūt tas kā savos darbos atspoguļoju pasauli ir līdzīgs bērnu rotaļļietai - kaleidoskopam, kurā stikliņi spoguļu prizmas iekšienē, birstot izveido burvīgus ornamentus, kuri šķietami nekad neatkārtojas. Katra radošā aizraušanās izriet no citas, papildina viena otru un kopā veido nepārtrauktu paternu.
Lietišķās mākslas vidusskolā apguvu keramiku un porcelānu, mācījos veidošanu. Mākslas akadēmijā - grafikas tehnikas, grāmatu ilustrāciju un akvareļu glezniecību. No māksliniekiem daudzskaitlīgos plenēros apguvu plenēru glezniecību ar eļļas un akrila krāsām.
Lietišķās mākslas vidusskolā apguvu keramiku un porcelānu, mācījos veidošanu. Mākslas akadēmijā - grafikas tehnikas, grāmatu ilustrāciju un akvareļu glezniecību. No māksliniekiem daudzskaitlīgos plenēros apguvu plenēru glezniecību ar eļļas un akrila krāsām.
Esmu ieguvusi Maģistra grādu Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijā 2001.
Latvijas Mākslinieku savienības biedre 2022.
Ilgstoši esmu strādājusi ilustrācijā, dizaina jomā un kā pasniedzēja.
Grafisko un web dizainu studēju kursos, bet video montāžu iemācījos pašmācībā.
Masku darināšanu esmu mācījusies iedvesmojoties no karnevālu un masku gājienu tradīcijas.
Videoperformances filmēju kopš 2009.gada. Tās apkopotas manā kanālā You Tube.
Tortes par mākslas veidu sāku uzskatīt gluži nesen - Covid gados. Tās priecē arī acis un prot priecēt ar garšas sajūtu. Tām vienlīdz svarīga gan tradīcija, gan jaunrade.
Mākslas studijā "Vēja Puķe" top ne tikai mani darbi. Studijā iedāvāju intresentiem apgūt zīmēšanu, gleznošanu, kompozīciju vai attīstīt radošumu meistarklasēs.
Kā orientēties blogā.
Mākslinieces bloga joslā, uzreiz zem pašportretējuma trīs horizontālās joslās atrodas
Lapas Uz tām nospiežot nonāksiet slejā, kurā apkopoti minētie darbi vai notikumi :
- Events / Notikumi. Izstāžu, plenēru un darbnīcu saraksts. Šajā sarakstā, zem notikumiem ievietotas saites. Nospiežot uz tām, atvērsies attiecīgā bloga lappuse.
- Interviews / Intervijas, kuras esmu sniegusi publiskajos medijos.
- Art studio / Ziņas par mākslas meistarklasēm un mākslas studiju.Art performance / Mākslas performanču video izlase.
- Video montage / Video montāžas darbu paraugi. Vairāk video atrodami You Tube kanālā - Sandra Sabine Jaundaldere.
- Graphic design / Grafiskā dizaina darbu paraugi - portfolio.
- Illustration / Ilustrāciju paraugi. Vairāk par ilustrācijām atrodas manā ilustrātora blogā
- Landscapes / Gleznas - ainavas.
- Animals* Birds* Fishes / Gleznas - dzīvnieki.
- Portraits / Gleznas - portreti.
- Nude / Gleznas - akti.
- Flowers / Gleznas - ziedi.
- Paintings for children's room / Gleznas bērnu istabai.
- Paintings in interior / Gleznu novietojums interjeros.
- Wall paintings / Sienu gleznas.
- Ex libris. Kokgrebuma tehnikā.
- Ceramic / Keramika.
- Sketches /Skices.
- Masks / Maskas
- Cakes /Tortes.
Papildus sadaļas atrodas labajā pusē, kur vertikālu sleju veido
- Exhibition - atradīsiet ziņas par izstādēm
- Solo exhibition - ziņas par personālizstādem.
- Plein air - apkopo informāciju par plenēriem.
- Graphic - printa grafikas darbi
- Drawing - apkopo zīmējumus.
- Series - atrodami darbu cikli. Pārsvarā - krāsaini zīmējumi.
- Fantasy - fantāzijas zīmējumi veido labu tiesu darbu.
- Nature - apkopo dabas studijas.
- 4Elements - ziņas par mākslinieču grupas darbību.
- Tenerife - dabas studijas no Tenerifes salas veido vienotu, plašu ekspozīciju.
- Book - ietver daļējas ziņas par grāmatām, ilustrācijām, dizainu.
- Ethno - apkopo darbus ar tradicionālā mantojuma ietekmi.
- Abstract - abstraktie gleznojumi.
- Photo series - apkopo nelielus fotostāstus.
- Miniature - miniatūru gleznojumi uz koka un akmens.
- Education - ziņas par izglītību.
Nonākot līdz ziņu slejas galam var nospiest uz uzraksta - Vecākas ziņas, lai skatītu turpinājumu.
Nospiežot uz uzrakstā Sākumlapa var viegli atgriezties bloga sākumā.
Zem Iezīmēm atrodas Tulkotājs, kurā varat iestatīt bloga valodu. Blogu veidoju kopš 2010. gada un daudzviet tas ir 2 valodās - latviešu un angļu.
Atslēgas vārdu meklētājs var palīdzēt orientēties blogā, ja vēlaties atrast, ko īpašu. Jāsaka, ka meklētāja darbība atgādina makšķerēšanu, bet varbūt paveiksies. :)
Mākslinieces logo
Art Studio Nospiežot uz studijas logo nonāksiet studijas ziņu slejā.
E- pasts saziņai Ja vēlaties nopirkt darbus, pasūtīt gleznu, zīmējumu vai citu mākslas darbu, vienoties par sadarbību, apmeklēt studiju vai organizēt izstādi, ludzu rakstiet
Manu emuāru saraksts
Literatūras blogs :
Illustratora blogs :
Mākslinieču sadraudzības 4Elementi blogs.
Man būtu liels gods uzzināt, ka Jums patīk šie blogi un ieraudzīt Jūs Sekotāju sarakstā.
Man patīk radīt jaunas idejas un atbalstīt citu cilvēku radošo iniciatīvu.
Priecāšos par sadarbību. Paldies!
How do you do! Welcome to the Art blog
Almost all my life I have held something in my hands to draw, paint, make, write, also played a bit of music, danced, filmed, organized and baked cakes. Of course, not all at once. Every activity has had its time. Perhaps the way I reflect the world in my works is similar to a children's toy - a kaleidoscope, in which the messy loose glasses create charming ornaments, because they are piled up inside the prism of mirrors. Each creative passion stems from another, complements each other and together forms a continuous pattern.
I studied ceramics, porcelain and sculpture at the secondary school of applied arts. At the Art Academy - graphic techniques, book illustrations and watercolor painting. I learned plein air painting with oil and acrylic paints from artists in numerous plein airs.
I studied graphic design in courses, and self-taught video editing.
I have made and learned masks inspired by the tradition of carnivals and mask processions.
I started to consider cakes as an art form quite recently. They also please the eyes and know how to please the sense of taste.
In the artist's blog bar, immediately below the self-portrait, there are three horizontal bars
Pages. Clicking on them will take you to the column that summarizes the mentioned works or events:
Additional sections are located on the right side, where a vertical column is formed
When you reach the end of the news column, you can click on the inscription - Older posts to see the continuation.
You can easily return to the beginning of the blog by clicking on the Homepage.
Under Features is Translator, where you can set the language of the blog. I have been creating a blog since 2010 and in many places it is already in 2 languages - Latvian and English.
Keyword search can help you navigate the blog if you want to find something special. It must be said that the activity of the searcher resembles fishing, but maybe you will get lucky. :)
The artist's logo
Art Studio Clicking on the studio logo will take you to the studio's news column.
E-mail for communication. If you want to buy works, order a painting, drawing or other work of art, agree on cooperation, visit the studio or organize an exhibition, please write to
List of my blogs.
Literary blog:
Illustrator's blog :
4Elementi blog of artists' fellowship.
I would be very honored to know that you like these blogs and to see you in the list of Followers.
I like to create new ideas and support other people's creative initiative.
I will be happy if you likes my artworks and for the cooperation.
I studied ceramics, porcelain and sculpture at the secondary school of applied arts. At the Art Academy - graphic techniques, book illustrations and watercolor painting. I learned plein air painting with oil and acrylic paints from artists in numerous plein airs.
I studied graphic design in courses, and self-taught video editing.
I have made and learned masks inspired by the tradition of carnivals and mask processions.
I started to consider cakes as an art form quite recently. They also please the eyes and know how to please the sense of taste.
How to navigate the blog.
In the artist's blog bar, immediately below the self-portrait, there are three horizontal bars
Pages. Clicking on them will take you to the column that summarizes the mentioned works or events:
- Events. List of exhibitions, plein airs and workshops.
- Interviews / Interviews that I have given in the public media.
- Art studio / News about art master classes and art studio. Art performance / Art performance video selection.
- Video montage / Samples of video montage works. More videos can be found on the You Tube channel - Sandra Sabine Jaundaldere.
- Graphic design / Samples of graphic design work - portfolio.
- Illustration / Samples of illustrations. More illustrations are on my illustrator blog
- Landscapes / Paintings - landscapes.
- Animals* Birds* Fishes / Paintings and drawings with animals.
- Portraits / Paintings - portraits.
- Nude / Paintings - acts.
- Flowers / Paintings - flowers.
- Paintings for children's room
- Paintings in interior
- Wall paintings
- Ex libris. In ancient wood carving technique.
- Ceramic.
- Sketches.
- Mask / Masks
- Cakes /Tortes.
Additional sections are located on the right side, where a vertical column is formed
- Exhibition - you will find information about exhibitions
- Solo exhibition - news about solo exhibitions.
- Plein air - gathers information about plein air.
- Graphic - print graphic artworks.
- Drawing - collects drawings.
- Series - artwork cycles. Mostly - colorful drawings.
- Fantasy - fantasy drawings.
- Nature - collects nature studies.
- 4Elements - news about the activities of the fellowship of artists.
- Tenerife - nature studies from the island of Tenerife form a single, wide exposition.
- Book - includes partial news about books, illustrations, design.
- Ethno - collects works with the influence of traditional heritage.
- Abstract - abstract paintings.
- Photo series - collects some photo stories.
- Miniature - miniature paintings on wood and stone.
- Education.
When you reach the end of the news column, you can click on the inscription - Older posts to see the continuation.
You can easily return to the beginning of the blog by clicking on the Homepage.
Under Features is Translator, where you can set the language of the blog. I have been creating a blog since 2010 and in many places it is already in 2 languages - Latvian and English.
Keyword search can help you navigate the blog if you want to find something special. It must be said that the activity of the searcher resembles fishing, but maybe you will get lucky. :)
The artist's logo
Art Studio Clicking on the studio logo will take you to the studio's news column.
E-mail for communication. If you want to buy works, order a painting, drawing or other work of art, agree on cooperation, visit the studio or organize an exhibition, please write to
List of my blogs.
Literary blog:
Illustrator's blog :
4Elementi blog of artists' fellowship.
I would be very honored to know that you like these blogs and to see you in the list of Followers.
I like to create new ideas and support other people's creative initiative.
I will be happy if you likes my artworks and for the cooperation.
Great thanks!